Eat Real Snacks – Review

Since my youngest came along I’ve had very little sleep (sorry instagram followers I know I moan about it alot). This has led to alot snacking. So the idea of a healthier snack, that gives me that burst of energy, but with less guilt and less fat, is exactly what I need.   Eat real…

Adventures in (Baby Led) Weaning

When Jess was wee I went back to work not long after she turned 6 months and her Dad did most of the weaning. They mostly followed traditional weaning so purees with a few finger foods. With me staying at home longer this time I’m trying Baby Led Weaning. The idea is that the babies…

GU Mousse Fusions- Review

I’m going to be honest from the get go here, I love chocolate mousse. Every chocolate mousse, even the really really cheap supermarket home brands. I remember being on holiday in the Algarve when I was about 11 , and I’m  sure that I had chocolate mousse  every single night for dessert. There’s something very…

Review – Peppermill Bothy

I’ve seen a few posts on various parent pages on Facebook looking for recommendations of places that are good to go with kids for lunch and Peppermill Bothy out by Blairhall is a perfect spot. Eating out with kids is not the easiest thing. Firstly you have the ticking time bomb of how long will…


It’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas

Well not quite but the idea of a Christmas  foodies festival  might  get you in the mood for Christmas.  Being held at the EICC on the 13th to the 15th of November it looks to be a great  event. I’m personally looking forward to taking Jessie to the Elves Christmas Kitchen and also wandering  around…

Foodies Festival 2015

This year my foodies experience wasn’t as great as previous years. I’m not really sure what was up with Jess but she wanted carried a lot of the time. It started to get really busy and it just wasn’t the right place for her. I also felt that the balance between food and booze had…

Fabulous Foodies Festival

It’s almost that time of year again when the Foodies Festival comes to Edinburgh. I love the Foodies Festival mostly because it’s one of the few festivally things that I get to do these days now that I don’t live in the City anymore. It was a bit rainy last year so I’m hoping for…

Roll up Roll up Foodies Festival 2015

I can’t wait for the Foodies Festival this year. Now that I have my little munchkin its pretty much the only fesitvaling that I do. Although maybe this year we can try some of the kids stuff… anyway this years Foodies Festival looks to be bigger than ever and it’s the 10th anniversary how exciting….

Super chocolatey pancake topping!

I love pancakes, proper Scottish drop scones are my favourite. This is a proper indulgent topping. Really rich and chocolatey. It does take a while for it to thicken properly , but it’s worth it.  You could add a splash of cream to make it slightly less chocolatey. If you decided to do that wait…

Christmas Memories and #SocialMediaSanta

A slight variation on my normal blogging, please help a homeless child this Christmas and share your Christmas memories with @RelScot Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. Everything is sparkly and there’s that hint of something magical in the air. Of course now that I’m a mummy Christmas is about creating…